What is an Altar?
An Altar is commonly seen as a place of worship in your home. In reality it is much more, your Altar is the place where all of you is welcome, where you feel grounded and at home. It is your anchor, in yourself and in your spiritual practice. In front of your Altar you can be your vulnerable self, celebrate, ask for forgiveness, set intentions, make wishes, send wishes and prayers, it is a place where you can reflect, ask questions, receive answers. It is a divine place.
This is a picture of my own Altar.
Where should you place your Altar?
The best location for the Altar in the house is the northeast. North represents death. “I am ready to die to my wrong notions”. East represents where the Sun rises. “I am invoking the light of the sun to point me in the right direction in my life.” If you cannot place the Altar North or East, choose another beautiful place.
The space you choose for your Altar is very important. Choose a place in your home where you feel comfortable, where you want to spend time in that is open and free of clutter, perhaps close to a window.
Setting up your Altar
Choose a pedestal, small table or corner and place a piece of clothe that you love to touch and admire over it (that is optional but makes it really nice!).
Possible items to place on your altar:
☼ Deity statues - Sarasvatī, Lakṣmī, Durgā, Annapūrṇa, Lalitā, Bhūmi, Guanyin, Yoni Egg etc.
☼ Stone and/or Crystal
☼ Any other deity/image that represents to you that which is compassion, trust, love, non-
judgement, patience, commitment,...
☼ Images of deities
☼ Pictures of people who have passed away
☼ Ancestors
☼ Any other item that is sacred to you
☼ Candle/s
☼ Incense holder
Generally you'd want to have the 5 elements on your Altar: a rock or stone (Earth), a candle (Fire), a small cup of water (Water), incense (Air), a bell or a gong (Ether).
Consecration of your Altar
Sprinkle water around the Altar and on all the Altar forms. Invoke the blessing of
the Goddess or whatever divine form you choose. Light the main candle invoking Truth into your life. Here you can be all of you and offer everything back that is not yours.
Light the incense and wave it clockwise over the altar as you ring the bell (if you have one) asking to remove all that is not serving you in life and to call in all that is going to support you on your spiritual awakening. You can offer flowers, food, songs, mantras and anything else you want to gift from your heart.
Bow in front of your altar showing your devotion and love.
This gesture symbolizes that we are getting out of offense-defense posture and want to abide again in trust in the greater order of things.
What to do when you are travelling
You can bring an element of your home Altar when you are travelling to remind you of your commitment and continue your practice. Choose a place that feels appropriate. It can be a stone, a gong, an image. You can also bring with you a stick of incense or sage which can also be used to purify the space's energy.
Travelling is associated with Vata (air and space element) so it can feel ungrounding, unsettling and that can bring up all types of ailments. Staying connected with and rooted into your spiritual practice will help you feel more grounded and "at home".
If you are interested in setting up or deepening your spiritual practice, you can join October's series Divine Feminine where we celebrate Navaratri (the 9 nights of the Goddess). This series is appropriate for all spiritual seekers whether new or experienced and of all genders.